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Á fjöllum / On mountains
Gallerí Fold Reykjavik. 2014
Iceland my way
city hall xll Roma 2013
Johann Smari
city hall. Reykjavik 2010
hún og hún Reykjavik. 2010
Roma / Milan 2009 / 2010
Energia Reykjavik 2009
Energia Reykjavik 2008
city hall. Reykjavik 2008
Iceland my way in memory of Maurizio Bartolucci
Private exhibits revolution / búsáhaldabyltingin
Roma, Libreria Le Storie
Milano, Spazio
Roma, Villa Celimontana Jazz Festival
Roma, Beba do Samba
Roma, Faenas Café
Milano, Libreria del Mondo Offeso
Roma, Contaminazioni
Ostia Roma, teatro del Lido
Circolo degli Artisti, Roma with Ólafur Arnalds
Roma, Nuovo Cinema Aquila
New York
the photo Firewood at Times Square July 24 th 2014
Reykjavik Living photo and interview. 2008
Augnasinfonía Bragi Ásgeirsson. 10 phots 2008
Zoom danish professional photo magazine
photos in several issues in 2009 / 2010
Atlantica magazine photo and interview 4. issue 2010
Mannlíf magazine photo and interview 1.issue. 2011
Cacoa Magazine Taiwan
six pages, photos and interview + the cover 2012
Getty Images issue two breed/a new generation 2012
Icelandic Times. issue 17. cover photo 2013
Zoom Danmarks professional photo magazine
photographer of the year 2009
National Geographic
photo of the day 11. may 2010
photo of the day 8. feb 2011
see/me exposure award finalist
and a category winner 2014
collective mainly
Reykjavik museum of photography
1. des - 17. feb. 2007 / 2008
Prag Festival Island kultury v praze
3. okt - 8. okt 2008
Gallerí Fold úr iðrum jarðar 15. mai - 15. agust 2010
Al tempo della Crisi Roma Urban Center 2010
Roma , biblioteca Borghesiana 2010
Angel Orensanz Foundation for contemporary art
26 - 19 Jackson Avenue Long Island NY
three images in The story of the Creative show sept. 2013
Roma, festival delle art in viaggio sept. 2013 See/me Exposure Award Reseption
at the Musee du Louvre Paris july 13th 2015
member of ARTGALLERY 101 Reykjavik from 04. 2023

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